domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2005

The Social Panorama Model

Alguns dos workshops já confirmados:

Avignon: 24, 25 e 26 de Fevereiro de 2006 (introdução)
Berlin 26, 27 e 29 de Maio de 2006 - World Congress for NLP – (introdução)
Berg en Dal (Nijmegem): 28/10; 24e25/11; 1e 8/12 2006 (curso completo para consultor)
Kassel: 15 a 17 de Julho e 12 a 13 de Agosto de 2006 (curso completo para consultor)
São Paulo: 5, 6 e 7 de Setembro (introdução)
Heidelberg: 28 de Setembro de 2006 (introdução)
Queensland (Austrália) em 2007

E de 2 a 6 de Março, curso completo para consultor, em Fátima

Our lives are full of people; we are social animals. Most of our serious problems deal with how we relate to our fellowmen. Unconsciously we create an imaginary landscape of people around us: our social panorama. This workshop learns to change our social landscapes for the better. The social panorama is a strong NLP tool for working with all kinds social issues. Surprisingly simple it helps to improve relations with our lovers, friends, colleagues, children, parents, strangers, foreigners, the death, spirits and gods.
The social panorama is rooted in the social cognitive sciences: how do people think of people? But NLP’s practical method for the analysis of subjective experience, especially sub modalities, took it far beyond the level of scientific discourse. For people with a background in NLP, the model opens a door to intervene directly in the unconscious model of the social world. The techniques are new but familiar in structure. Especially when the social panorama techniques are used in combination and with other NLP tools it offers a higher level of effectiveness to coaches, therapist, managers, negotiators, politicians, mediators en everyone who deals with people that need to work together.

Lucas Derks
Still at university, Lucas Derks, discovered the work of Bandler and Grinder in 1977. It was love at first sight. After a successful carrier as a social psychological researcher, Lucas decided in 1986 to devote his attention to NLP and its development. In 1989 he started to work for the IEP in Nijmegen the Netherlands, one of the oldest and biggest NLP institutes in Europe. He has become famous for his clear and humoristic presentations. His background as a visual artist helps him to create clear and beautiful pictures to clarify his workshops.
NLP work on the identity level
The concept of mental space plays a mayor role in the social panorama work. It is in the space around them that people normally project the images of all who are relevant to them. The model of the social world is primarily a three dimensional model. It surrounds the self concept. Where other individuals are located in this landscape of social images decides about the emotional quality of the relationship. Intimate relations are held with people who’s images are kept close. Authorities are most often places high up somewhere.
As soon as somebody has a problem with someone else, we can check the locations where the self and the other is projected in the social panorama.
A very strong feature of the social panorama is the work with the self concept. In the way Lucas has developed that it has become very powerfull. NLP-ers know that the identity level is very important, but there are not many interventions specially desiged to generate self esteem, self confidence or ego strength. In the social panorama model these things have become of an astonishing simplicity. But it takes an experienced had to make these techniques work whith complex issues.

Lucas Derks will demonstrate and explain his methods. A series of structured exercises will enable the participant to experience the mechanics.

- Gathering reliable information about a client’s social panorama
- Achieving lasting improvement in all types of social relationships
- Applications of the social panorama in education and training
- Reinforcement of the experience of self.
- Achieving personality change using the family panorama. A series of technical possibilities that, in particular, afford new approaches in psychotherapy.
- The use of the social panorama for the exploration and harmonisation of relationships with the dead, spirits and gods.

Reading: “Social Panoramas” (Crown House Publishing)

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